Date: 3th December 2020 |

Give a Helping Hand to those Who Need it
Help children proverty and safe environment
Childrens are going hungry around the world
Donate Food for the poor people and children

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Of Narela Team

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Our Action Plan for 2022-2024

We aim to impact the lives of more than 30 million people by 2024, giving them a life of dignity

We plan to achieve our goals by leveraging the following strategies –

  • ♦Leveraging information, communication and technology (ICT) to improve our programme depth and diversity
  • ♦Bringing gender transformative change by addressing power inequities among men and women
  • ♦Partnering with Government and Corporate Systems to bring change at scale
  • ♦Innovative and evidence-based campaigns to eliminate the root causes of poverty
  • ♦Impact driven approach to reach the maximum number of people

Successfull family Story

He who has never denied himself for the sake of giving, has but glanced at the joys of Charity. He who has No Charity Deserves no mercy

He who has never denied himself for the sake of giving, has but glanced at the joys of Charity. He who has No Charity Deserves no mercy

Our programmes aim to amplify and channel the dialogue on
marginalised women and girls in India.

Federation of Narela believes that lasting impact at scale can be achieved at three important levels –


Elevating their confidence, self-esteem, aspirations, and overall consciousness to change their circumstances, by imparting them the right knowledge, skills, and resources.


Address and alleviate the inequality that persists within intimate relationships, family and social networks, community, and economic spaces.


Securing social investments by the government and corporate bodies, which enables us to multiply impact at scale and realise our goals at a faster pace.

Charity brings to life again those who are spiritually

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